Publications and Contributions

 Journal Articles

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Stoel, R. D., & Bird, C., (2021). Cognitive bias as presented in the NIST/NIJ Expert Working Group for Human Factors in DNA Forensic Handwriting Examination Report. Journal of Forensic Document Examination, 30, 27-30.

  • Stoel, R. D., Saunders, C. P., Merlino, M. L., Osborne, N. K. P., Jackson-Morris, J., & Caligiuri, M. P., (2021). Validity, Reliability, Interpretation, and Opinion Scales as presented in the NIST/NIJ Expert Working Group for Human Factors in Forensic Handwriting Examination Report. Journal of Forensic Document Examination, 30, 19 – 26.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., & Bird, C., (2021). Introduction to the NIST/NIJ Expert Working Group for Human Factors in Handwriting Examination Report Special Edition. Journal of Forensic Document Examination, 30, 5-10.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Bird, C., & Stoel, R., (2019). Forensic handwriting examination and cognitive bias: Recommendations from the NIST Expert Working Group on Human Factors. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences [Special Edition, Online Only].

  • Osborne N. K. P., & Taylor, M. C. (2018). Contextual Information Management: An example of independent-checking in the review of laboratory-based Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Science & Justice.

  • Taylor, M. C. & Osborne, N. K. P. (2018). Letter to the Editor: A contribution to Contextual Information Management in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: Preliminary idea for a two-step method of analysis. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 63 (1), 341.

  • Osborne, N. K. P. (2017). Commentary on: Lockhart, J. J., Satya-Murti, S. Diagnosing crime and diagnosing disease: bias reduction strategies in the forensic and clinical sciences.  J Forensic Sci Epub 2017 Feb 23, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 62(5), 1423-1424.

  • Taylor, M. C., Laber, T., Kish, P. E., Owens, G., & Osborne, N. K. P. (2016). The reliability of pattern classification in bloodstain pattern analysis, PART 1: Bloodstain patterns on rigid, non-absorbent surfaces. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 61(4), 922-927.

  •  Taylor, M. C., Laber, T., Kish, P. E., Owens, G., & Osborne, N. K. P. (2016). The reliability of pattern classification in bloodstain pattern analysis, PART 2: Bloodstain patterns on fabric surfaces. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 61(6), 1461-1466.

  •  Osborne, N. K. P., Taylor, M. C., & Zajac. R. (2016). Exploring the role of contextual information in bloodstain pattern analysis: A qualitative approach. Forensic Science International, 260, 1-8.

  •  Osborne, N. K. P., Taylor, M. C., Healey, M., & Zajac. R. (2016). Bloodstain pattern classification: Accuracy, effect of contextual information and the role of analyst characteristics. Science & Justice, 56(2), 123-128.

  •  Zajac, R., Osborne, N. K. P., Singley, L., & Taylor, M. C. (2015). Contextual bias: What bloodstain pattern analysts need to know. Journal of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, 31(2), 7-16.

  • Osborne, N. K. P. & Zajac, R. (2015). An imperfect match? Crime-related context influences fingerprint decisions. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30(1), 126-134.

  •  Osborne, N. K. P., Woods, S., Kieser, J., & Zajac, R. (2014). Does contextual information bias bitemark comparisons? Science and Justice, 54(4), 267-273.

  •  Bekker, M.J., Cumming, T., Osborne, N. K. P., Bruining, A., McClean, J. & Leland, L.S., Jr. (2010). Encouraging electricity savings in a University Residential Hall through a combination of feedback, visual prompts, and incentives. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 43(2), 327-331.

Report Contributions

  • Expert Working Group for Human Factors in Handwriting Examination. Handwriting Examination and Human Factors: Improving the Practice Through a Systems Approach. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. 2019. [Editorial committee]

  • Laber, T., Kish, P., Taylor, M., Owens, G., Osborne, N., & Curran, J. (2014) Reliability Assessment of Current Methods in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Final report for the National Institute of Justice, Award #2010-DN-BX-K213.

Book Chapters

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Zajac, R., & Taylor, M. C. (2015) Bloodstain pattern analysis and contextual bias. Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences.

  •  Zajac, R., Osborne, N. K. P., & Kieser, J. A. (2015). Contextual bias in the analysis of bitemarks. Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences.

Conference Proceedings

  • Osborne, N. K. P., (2022). Understanding the impact of human factors on decision-making in forensic DNA analysis. Paper presented at Forensic Analysis of Human DNA Gordon Research Conference, June 2, Mount Snow, Vermont.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., & Taylor, M. (2019). NIST/NIJ Expert Working Group for Human Factors in Handwriting Examination: The Process of Process Mapping. Paper presented at the first joint meeting of the ENFHEX and EFPWG (European Network of Forensic Science Institutes), September 9-12, Porto, Portugal.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., (2018, September). To Observe, or to Interpret? Considerations when determining the relevance of contextual information. Paper presented at the Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society 24rd International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Perth, Australia.

  • Bird, C., Stoel, R., & Osborne, N. K. P. (2018, September). Forensic handwriting examination and cognitive bias: Recommendations from a NIST/NIJ Expert Working Group on Human Factors. Keynote presentation at the Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society 24rd International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Perth, Australia.

  • Stoel, R., Bird., C., & Osborne, N. K. P. (2018, September). Advancing forensic handwriting examination by an explicit focus on human factors. Panel Discussion at the Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society 24rd International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Perth, Australia.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Taylor, M. C., Zajac. R., & Thompson, W. C. (2017, October). Getting to the source of bias in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: How analysts use and recognize their use of contextual case information. Poster presented at the University of California Irvine Postdocs at the Forefront symposium, October 5, University of California Irvine.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Reynolds, M. E., Thompson, W. C., & Taylor, M. C. (2017, September). Recommendations for Contextual Information Management in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Paper presented at the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts Training Conference, September 25 – 29, Redondo Beach, California.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Taylor, M. C., Zajac. R., & Thompson, W. C. (2017, August). Expertise, context, and de-biasing: Factors that affect bloodstain pattern interpretation. Paper presented at the 21st International Association of Forensic Sciences (IAFS 2017), August 21 – 25, Toronto, Canada.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Kouwenhoven, M., Thompson, W. C., & Zajac R. (2017, August). Determining the relevance of contextual information in forensic handwriting examinations. Paper presented at the 21st International Association of Forensic Sciences (IAFS 2017), August 21 – 25, Toronto, Canada.

  • Osborne N. K. P. (2017, April). Developing a Guideline for the use of Contextual Information in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Presented to the Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Subcommittee of the Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science (OSAC). April 19th, Leesburg, Virginia.

  • Taylor, M. C., Arthur, R., & Osborne, N. K. P. (2016, September). A paradigm shift for Bloodstain Pattern Analysts. Paper presented at the Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society 23rd International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Auckland, New Zealand

  • Osborne, N. K., P., Owens, G., Kish, P., Laber, T., & Taylor, M. C. (2016, September). Factors that affect the precision and accuracy of bloodstain pattern classifications. Paper presented at the Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society 23rd International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Auckland, New Zealand

  • Reynolds, M. & Osborne, N. K. P. (2016, September). Contextual Information Management for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis at the Crime Scene: Western Australia Police. Paper presented at the Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society 23rd International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Auckland, New Zealand

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Moriarty, L., Morgan-Smith, R., Neale, J., & Taylor, M. C. (2016, September). Contextual Information Management in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis at ESR: A trial of blind peer review. Paper presented at the Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society 23rd International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Auckland, New Zealand

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Taylor, M. C., Healey, M., & Zajac, R. (2015, October). Accuracy, bias, and the role of contextual information in bloodstain pattern classification: Can cognitive factors and expertise predict performance? Paper presented at the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts conference, Fort Worth, Texas.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Taylor, M. C., Healey, M., & Zajac, R. (2015, May). Can we put the “I” in BIAS? Assessing the association between analyst characteristics and performance on a bloodstain pattern classification task. Paper presented at the 5th European Conference of the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts, Rome, Italy.

  • Zajac, R., Barrett, E., Hegemann, R., & Osborne, N. K. P. (2015, May). Context effects in decisions about fingerprints: towards a mechanism. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, New York.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Taylor, M. C., & Zajac. R. (2014, September). A mixed-methods approach to understanding decision-making and context integration in bloodstain pattern analysis. Paper presented at the Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Adelaide, Australia.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Taylor, M. C., Kish, P., Laber, T., & Owens, G. (2014, September). How reliable are current methods for bloodstain pattern analysis on fabric? Paper presented at the Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Adelaide, Australia.

  • Hegemann, R., Osborne, N. K. P., & Zajac, R. (2013, November). Isolating contextual bias in fingerprint analysis. Paper presented at Psycolloquy, Department of Psychology, University of Otago, NZ.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Taylor, M. C., Kish, P., Laber, T., & Owens, G. (2013, October). Reliability measures for current methods in bloodstain pattern analysis. Paper presented at the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts Conference, San Diego, USA.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., & Zajac, R., (2012, April). Same same, but different: The role of context in fingerprint matching decisions. Paper presented at KiwiCAM, Victoria University, Wellington, NZ.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Woods, S., Kieser, J., & Zajac, R. (2012, March). Reality bites: The effect of contextual information on the interpretation of bitemark evidence. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference, Puerto Rico.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Woods, S., Kieser, J., & Zajac, R. (2012, February). Sink your teeth into this: How context can affect the analysis of bitemark evidence. Paper presented at the Forensic Biology Symposium, Sir John Walsh Research Institute, Otago, NZ.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., & Zajac, R. (2011, November). Filling in the gaps: How context can impair fingerprint-matching decisions. Paper presented at Psycolloquy, Department of Psychology, University of Otago, NZ.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., & Zajac, R. (2011, June). An Imperfect Match: The effect of emotional context on fingerprint matching decisions. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition Conference, New York, USA.

  • Bekker, M.J., Cumming, T., McClean, J., Osborne, N. K. P., Bruining & Leland, L.S., Jr. (2007, November). Voluntary Energy Savings in Colleges of Residence. Paper presented at "Where’s the Fire? Energy Research in Otago", Otago Energy Research Centre Workshop, NZ.

 Workshop Proceedings

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Martin, M. M., Zagaria, H., Garcia, L., Roy, T., Spessard, A., Kennedy, J. R., & Taylor, M. (2023, February). First Look at the Draft Recommendations in the Report of the NIST/NIJ Expert Working Group on Human Factors in Forensic DNA Interpretation. Workshop Presented at the 75th Anniversary Conference of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Orlando, Florida.

  • Taylor, M., Waltke, H., Delger, D., & Osborne, N. K. P., (2022, May). Human Factors in Forensic Science: Lessons learned and common themes from the National Institute of Justice/National Institute of Standards and Technology Expert Working Groups. Workshop presented at the 9th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

  • Taylor, M., Waltke, H., Delger, D., & Osborne, N. K. P., (2022, May). The Process of Process Mapping in Latent Print, Handwriting, and Firearm Examination. Workshop presented at the 9th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., (2019, May). Is Perception Reality? Workshop presented at the Human Resources quarterly meeting at Fisher & Paykel Appliances, New Zealand.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Stoel, R., & Bird, C. (2018, September). The Human Factor in Forensic Science: Lessons learned from a NIST Expert Working Group on Human Factors. Workshop at the Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society 24rd International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Perth, Australia.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., (2018, June). Contextual Bias and Error Culture: Keeping up with the changing face for forensic science: In-service training at New Jersey State Police Office of Forensic Science, Hamilton, New Jersey.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., & Reynolds, M. (2018, March). Contextual Bias in Forensic Science: What is it, how do we detect it, and what can we do about it? Workshop hosted by Cedar Crest College, Pennsylvania.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., (December, 2017). The Human Factor in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Workshop prepared for the Rocky Mountain Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts meeting, Greeley, Colorado.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Cunningham, L., & Lewis, J. (2017, August). Write or Wrong? Bias, decision-making, and the role of contextual information in Forensic Handwriting Examinations. Workshop presented at the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners AGM, San Diego, USA.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., & Reynolds, M. (2017, March). Decision-making and cognitive bias in forensic science. Workshop hosted by the Health Sciences Authority, Singapore.

  • Osborne, N. K. P., Taylor, M. C., Reynolds, M., & Zajac, R. (2014, August). Contextual bias in forensic decision-making. Why context can be both your best friend and your worst enemy. Workshop presented at the Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Adelaide, Australia.

  • Zajac, R., Osborne, N. K. P., & Taylor, M. C. (2013, October). How do we reach conclusions about bloodstain patterns in BPA? Workshop presented at the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts Conference, San Diego, USA