
Words by me and by others.

Niki Osborne Interviewed by Glenn Langenburg on the Double Loop Podcast

I first met Glenn at the ANZFSS symposium in Auckland, 2016. I had been a bit of a fan of the Double Loop Podcast, mostly owing to the work I had done on bias and fingerprint comparisons throughout my PhD. In listening to each episode, I could sense how important many of the topics were, not just for fingerprint analysis, but for all forensic disciplines.

Fast forward a year… Glenn was running a fingerprint workshop in LA and invited me to join him for a night at the magic castle, along with Caroline Gibb and several others who were on the course. After a couple of wines and magic tricks, we organized for Glenn to interview me for the Double Loop Podcast!

Follow the link above to hear me ramble on about bloodstains, bias, and contextual information management!